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 How To Clean Tile Flooring

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4 posters

Number of posts : 4
Age : 40
Registration date : 2013-04-09

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PostSubject: How To Clean Tile Flooring   How To Clean Tile Flooring Icon_minitimeTue Jun 18, 2013 4:15 am

Tile flooring is a durable choice for kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas of the home that might get wet from time to time. With the proper care, tile flooring can look like new for years. Learn basic tile flooring care, deep cleaning techniques, and how to clean stained grout. These techniques are appropriate for both ceramic and faux tile flooring.

* Sweep or vacuum the floor daily. This removes loose dirt, food crumbs and other pieces of debris that can accumulate on tile floors. Dirt that is allowed to sit in wet areas can quickly turn into hard-to-remove grime.

* Run a dry cloth duster or dust mop over the floors after they have been swept.

* Mop the floor with warm water. If the floor doesn't have stains or require heavy cleaning, running a damp mop over the floor will be sufficient to keep it clean. Cleanse the mop in fresh warm water after mopping one section of the room, and repeat until the entire floor is mopped.

* Dry the floor. Whether you use water or water mixed with detergent, run a dry mop over the floor when you're finished mopping. This will prevent new dirt from quickly accumulating and staining the grout.

* Clean up spills promptly. If you drop a glass of juice or even water, clean it up right away. The longer it sits, the more time it will have to soak into the grout. Dried orange juice and other sugary liquids also tend to become annoyingly sticky.

* Clean the dirtier spills with disinfectant. If your pet has an accident or you drop a raw steak on the floor, spray a disinfectant directly over the spot and wipe it up right away.
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Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2013-08-09

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PostSubject: Re: How To Clean Tile Flooring   How To Clean Tile Flooring Icon_minitimeSat Sep 21, 2013 1:40 am

Informative post about tiles cleaning. Thanks for information and help to new bee. Mould Removal Process
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Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2014-01-24

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PostSubject: Method 1 of 3: Basic Tile Flooring Care   How To Clean Tile Flooring Icon_minitimeMon Mar 24, 2014 5:21 am

Sweep or vacuum the floor daily. This removes loose dirt, food crumbs and other pieces of debris that can accumulate on tile floors. Dirt that is allowed to sit in wet areas can quickly turn into hard-to-remove grime.

Mop the floor with warm water. If the floor doesn't have stains or require heavy cleaning, running a damp mop over the floor will be sufficient to keep it clean. Cleanse the mop in fresh warm water after mopping one section of the room, and repeat until the entire floor is mopped.

Dry the floor. Whether you use water or water mixed with detergent, run a dry mop over the floor when you're finished mopping. This will prevent new dirt from quickly accumulating and staining the grout.

More Info About Home Improvement : click here : http://www.buyliquidroof.com/liquid-coatings.html

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Naomin Covington

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2015-03-23

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PostSubject: Re: How To Clean Tile Flooring   How To Clean Tile Flooring Icon_minitimeTue Mar 31, 2015 3:11 am

Informative post!  
To remove infectious viruses and bacteria from our home environment we should sweep the floor with hot water on a daily basis.
It’s better to use antiseptic liquids for floor sweeping.
Protect floors from stains or spots.
You can also seek help from expert dust removal companies for disinfection services.
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PostSubject: Re: How To Clean Tile Flooring   How To Clean Tile Flooring Icon_minitime

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