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 Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.

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Mike Sullivan
Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa
7 posters
Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa
Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa

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Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 10:25 pm

For all you that have asked, here is the mixture for Apple Sauce Roof Cleaning Chemical.   santa
The NEW Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Chemical Recipe Is Below The Apple Sauce.

Mixture for Apple Sauce Roof Cleaning Mixture is as follows.
For 100 gallons TOTAL mix we need
30 gallons Sodium Hypochlorite
65 Gallons water
5 lbs TSP

To see Apple Sauce and Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Chemicals in action, click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPmG4AxnVDo

Fill tank first with 65 gallons water, then add TSP the day or night before, let sit overnight.
Then, mix well the next day, add Borax, and mix again.
Then, add SH, and go clean with the Apple Sauce!

This is a good shingle roof mixture, FAR superior in cleaning ability, and longer lasting then SH/Water alone.

One can go up to 40 percent SH, and 10 lbs TSP

Here is HOW you decide on varying the mix.

Lets say your primary source of discoloration is Algae, with little atmospheric pollutants, etc.
Use standard formula Apple Sauce, 30 percent SH, and 5lbsTSP

For HEAVY Algae, go up to 40 percent SH, and up the TSP at 10 lbs.
SH is a wonderful Algae remover.

But, lets say the roof has a lot of soot, air pollutants, or dirt on it, in Addition to the Algae ?
Then, we stay at 30 percent SH, and increase the TSP 10 lbs to better remove the offending discoloration.

TSP in "weak" concentrations is not to be feared.

A roof done with SH/Water only will not be as clean, or stay clean as long as one done with the Apple Sauce.

The relatively poor water solubility of TSP means that it will remain behind in an invisible thin film on the roof when it dries, or is rinsed.

This creates a "hostile environment" for Algae re growth.

The Applesauce is a proven, field tested roof cleaning system developed and perfected here at Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa.

We STILL use it to this day, but we have also added a Patented Biocide that we just don't talk about on the Internet, for obvious reasons !

I have given much to the roof cleaning knowledge database, but feel I must keep a few things to myself.
I gotta eat too.

For Tile Roofs, you can go up to 50 percent SH, and use 25 lbs each of TSP and Borax.

ALL suggested SH ratios are based on feedback from many roof cleaners in different parts of the country, and represent a good starting point.
SH varies in strength depending on it's age.

We do NOT use the SH in these high concentrations because we are in Florida, and our stuff is STRONG and FRESH.

A good way to judge IF your SH ratio is strong enough is this.
Spray a shingle, it should take about 5 minutes to clean.
If it cleans instantly, like in 1 or 2 minutes, it is too strong, dilute a bit with water, or risk killing plants, etc, etc.

If it isn't cleaning after 5 minutes, add more SH, but be conservative!

It is no "SIN" to have to touch up a few spots on a roof here and there.
Remember what you put on a customers roof will eventually hit the ground, his gutters, paint, plants, grass, etc, etc.

Of course, you can't "fool around" with steep roofs shot from a ladder!
You may be lucky to GET one shot at them, and it must clean the first time.

Apple Sauce used in the stronger ranges is what is indicated here.

The Recipe For Apple Cider

Apple Cider, unlike Apple Sauce, is not my invention.
It is based on this US Patent Aqueous cleaning composition containing chlorinated bleach, an alcohol and a surfactant - Patent 5376296

It has been field tested by several Beta Testers, and found to be a fast cleaning, easy to make mix.
It's advantages over Apple Sauce are, it is easier and faster to make, and more water soluble.
It's disadvantages are, irritating fumes, and it "burns up the mix" faster then Apple Sauce.
We suggest you mix the Apple Cider up right before you start the job.
Only make up enough mix you know you will use up in a week to ten days.
Make SURE the tank is well ventilated, and we URGE you to wear a respirator when cleaning.

Some have used the Apple Cider for house wash mix.
They are downstreaming the Cider.
They are using a 5 Gallon mix as follows.
Weak Cider - 1.5 Gallons Sodium Hypochlorite - 3 Gallons Water
Strong Cider - 2 Gallons Sodium Hypochlorite - 2.5 Gallons Water
1/2 Gallon 70 Percent Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol + 1 large Bottle Apple Blossom Dawn in BOTH Apple Cider Mixes

Here is the recipe for 100 Gallons Of Shingle Strength Apple Cider

For 100 gallons total mix of Apple Cider we need
20 to 30 Gallons Sodium Hypochlorite
70 to 80 Gallons Water
1 gallon Rubbing Alcohol
3 large bottles Ajax Dish Soap

Mix water and Sodium hypochlorite first, add Ajax Dish Soap, then add Rubbing Alcohol, and STIR real good.
Go clean
Let US know your experiences with Apple Cider.  
Here are a bunch of roofs we cleaned with the two roof cleaning chemicals.


Apple Non Pressure Roof Cleaning Tampa 813 655 8777
Roof Cleaning in Hillsborough County, Pinellas County, Pasco County, Polk County, Manatee County, FL. 800 293 1377

Last edited by Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa on Fri Sep 11, 2020 12:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mike Sullivan

Mike Sullivan

Number of posts : 264
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Job/hobbies : Professional exterior cleaning
Registration date : 2008-09-06

Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeTue Sep 09, 2008 6:08 pm

My favorite shingle roof mix is a hybrid of both Apple Cider and Apple Sauce.

For those of you that only clean as much roofs in a week that Apple does in a day and mix just one batch at a time here is a good mix that I like to use.

APPLE CIDER SAUCE - 40 gallons/average roof job

15 gallons of bleach - 12.5% sodium hypochlorite
25 gallons of hot water
5 lbs. TSP (Trisodium Phosphate)
64 ounces of isopropol alcohol
1/2 bottle of Ajax or Dawn. Or .5-2 oz/gallon depending on pitch of roof.

or like Apple says dissolve TSP the night before without hot water because TSP takes a while to dissolve or you can use hot water on the morning of the job.


TSP is the best detergent to mix with bleach and it also thickens the mix slightly to allow you to use less surfactant. TSP also strengthens the bleach better than the surfactant can. TSP also disolves better than Borax.

The alcohol makes the bleach penetrate into the shingles faster enhancing it's mold killing power. Without using alcohol you would need to double the amount of TSP to achieve the same results, which is less pump friendly because it does not dissolve as well.

Using half the amount of TSP you normally would with alcohol makes it more pump friendly because it disolves easier.

64 oz. of alcohol only costs $3.42
5 lbs. of TSP costs $7.50

You are saving money by using them in combination.

It has the best of both worlds. TRY IT!

Last edited by Mike Sullivan on Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:56 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa
Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa

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Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeSun Sep 14, 2008 10:16 pm

Mike Sullivan wrote:
My favorite shingle roof mix is a hybrid of both.

For those of you that only clean as much roofs in a week that Apple does in a day and mix just one batch at a time here is a good mix that I like to use.

Apple Cider Sauce - 40 gallons/average roof job

15 gallons of bleach - 12.5% sodium hypochlorite
25 gallons of hot water
5 lbs. TSP
32 ounces of isopropol alcohol
1/2 bottle of Ajax or Dawn

or like apple says dissolve TSP the night before without hot water because TSP takes a while to dissolve or you can use hot water on the morning of the job.
I am ALWAYS working on NEW stuff Mike.
Just posted a new US Patent I found.
My GOAL is to find something that will allow for LESS SHC use in our roof cleaning solutions.
I am waiting for a roofer friend to provide me with some dirty shingles he tears off.
I have several roof cleaning compositions I want to test.
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Registration date : 2008-09-30

Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Help?   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 06, 2008 8:28 pm

I was wondering if this chemical is effective at removing oxidization from paintwork. If not do you have any suggestions? We are in New Zealand and theres nothing over here that works effectively.
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Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa
Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa

Number of posts : 394
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Registration date : 2008-08-27

Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 07, 2008 8:41 pm

thespecialists wrote:
I was wondering if this chemical is effective at removing oxidization from paintwork. If not do you have any suggestions? We are in New Zealand and theres nothing over here that works effectively.
Bleach is 6 percent sodium hypochlorite/
You need 12.5 percent sodium hypochlorite, cant you get it in Kiwi Land ?
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Mike Sullivan

Mike Sullivan

Number of posts : 264
Age : 54
Location : Greensboro, NC
Job/hobbies : Professional exterior cleaning
Registration date : 2008-09-06

Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 21, 2008 12:22 pm

thespecialists wrote:
I was wondering if this chemical is effective at removing oxidization from paintwork. If not do you have any suggestions? We are in New Zealand and theres nothing over here that works effectively.

Look for something with either sodium or potassium hydroxide and butyl. I like to use pressuretek's F-13 (potassium hydroxide) and add butyl to it. Cut it down to a 10% solution for both.

See gutter cleaner thread. Add this mixture to bleach should work well for paint preparation.
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Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa
Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa

Number of posts : 394
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Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeMon Mar 07, 2011 10:41 am

Mike Sullivan wrote:
My favorite shingle roof mix is a hybrid of both Apple Cider and Apple Sauce.

For those of you that only clean as much roofs in a week that Apple does in a day and mix just one batch at a time here is a good mix that I like to use.

APPLE CIDER SAUCE - 40 gallons/average roof job

15 gallons of bleach - 12.5% sodium hypochlorite
25 gallons of hot water
5 lbs. TSP (Trisodium Phosphate)
64 ounces of isopropol alcohol
1/2 bottle of Ajax or Dawn. Or .5-2 oz/gallon depending on pitch of roof.

or like Apple says dissolve TSP the night before without hot water because TSP takes a while to dissolve or you can use hot water on the morning of the job.


TSP is the best detergent to mix with bleach and it also thickens the mix slightly to allow you to use less surfactant. TSP also strengthens the bleach better than the surfactant can. TSP also disolves better than Borax.

The alcohol makes the bleach penetrate into the shingles faster enhancing it's mold killing power. Without using alcohol you would need to double the amount of TSP to achieve the same results, which is less pump friendly because it does not dissolve as well.

Using half the amount of TSP you normally would with alcohol makes it more pump friendly because it disolves easier.

64 oz. of alcohol only costs $3.42
5 lbs. of TSP costs $7.50

You are saving money by using them in combination.

It has the best of both worlds. TRY IT!
I think the alcohol helps the TSP dissolve better too, plus you use less. Just be sure to wear a respirator, and have a vented roof cleaning chemical tank. The alcohol causes fumes to form. Here are some Tampa Roof Cleaninghttp://roof-cleaning-institute.activeboard.com/index.spark?aBID=123190&subForumID=500964&p=2 that we have done using this chemical mix to clean with.
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Number of posts : 7
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Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 09, 2011 9:53 pm

i remember reading this for the first time back in dec 2009. i can not be leave how far i have come. Chris, thank you and some day i will repay you for all that you have done for me. it is more than you know.

Mike Mason
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Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa
Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa

Number of posts : 394
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Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 09, 2011 11:08 pm

mmason wrote:
i remember reading this for the first time back in dec 2009. i can not be leave how far i have come. Chris, thank you and some day i will repay you for all that you have done for me. it is more than you know.

Mike Mason
I am glad Mike to have been able to help you and others. Roof Cleaning is a great business, I have enjoyed it very much, sure beats kissing someones ass for a living!
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Number of posts : 7
Age : 57
Location : Ofallon
Job/hobbies : Foosball
Registration date : 2011-06-09

Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 11, 2011 1:44 pm

the thought of having to work for someone else make me sick to my hole body. i do not know if i could do it again.
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Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2011-09-14

Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2012 1:24 am

If you are not that much interested in working for somebody else then start working for your survival. It will be more challenging I guess.

Roofing Manchester
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Number of posts : 4
Job/hobbies : non pressure roof cleaning
Registration date : 2013-02-05

Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 05, 2013 11:50 am

Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa wrote:
mmason wrote:
i remember reading this for the first time back in dec 2009. i can not be leave how far i have come. Chris, thank you and some day i will repay you for all that you have done for me. it is more than you know.

Mike Mason
I am glad Mike to have been able to help you and others. Roof Cleaning is a great business, I have enjoyed it very much, sure beats kissing someones ass for a living!

Chris has taught us alot!
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NJ Roof Cleaning

NJ Roof Cleaning

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Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeWed Feb 06, 2013 2:53 pm

I used to go full boat on all ingredients. I was happy to eliminate many of the products and still get the same results. SH, water and a good surfactant does the trick. A little tweak here and there for different roofs like slate and cedar.
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Number of posts : 4
Job/hobbies : non pressure roof cleaning
Registration date : 2013-02-05

Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeWed Feb 06, 2013 3:20 pm

NJ Roof Cleaning wrote:
I used to go full boat on all ingredients. I was happy to eliminate many of the products and still get the same results. SH, water and a good surfactant does the trick. A little tweak here and there for different roofs like slate and cedar.

We used to use an ingredient to make the roof cleaning mix smell good. But decided it wasnt a neccisary ingredient.
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Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa
Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa

Number of posts : 394
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Registration date : 2008-08-27

Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2013 11:40 pm

mmason wrote:
i remember reading this for the first time back in dec 2009. i can not be leave how far i have come. Chris, thank you and some day i will repay you for all that you have done for me. it is more than you know.

Mike Mason
You are welcome Mike, glad to be of help.
I hang out at here www.roofcleaninginstitute.org
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Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa
Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa

Number of posts : 394
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Location : Tampa Florida Area
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Registration date : 2008-08-27

Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 01, 2022 6:52 pm

I have not been on any forums lately, even this one! I think we already have a business listing here, since I spent a lot of time on this forum, in the past. Lots of very good memories on here!
Lol, I found this old website I made https://roofcleaningtampa.wordpress.com and it is not doing very well, because I neglect it. It is an absolutely FREE Wordpress site, and they even host it, for FREE. So if anyone needs a free website, until they can afford something better, I would strongly suggest checking these free Wordpress Sites out. They are super easy to make, and very forgiving of mistakes.
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PostSubject: Re: Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions.   Apple Sauce And Apple Cider Roof Cleaning Mixture Instructions. Icon_minitime

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